Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Ma Rainey
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Ma Rainey
Ma Rainey

Bad Luck Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Hey people, listen while I spread my news
Hey people, listen while I spread my news
I wanna tell you people all about my bad luck blues
Did you ever wake up just at the break of day
Did you ever break up just at the wake of day
With your arms around the pillow where your
Barrel House Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Got the
barrel house
blues, feeling awfully dry
Got the barrel house blues, feeling awfully dry
I can't drink
'cause I'm afraid I'd die
Papa likes his sherry, mama likes her port
Papa likes his sherry, mama likes her port
Papa likes to shimm
Bessemer Bound Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Woke up this morning : looking for my darn old shoes
Because mama's going home : singing the Bessemer blues
Apple sugar papa : how come you do me like you do
I've done everything you asked me : trying to get along with you
I went in the water : walked through ice and snow
Big Feeling Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
"All these many years I've been pleadin' for a man
How come I can't get me a real
monkey man
I'm not no triflin'
I've been lookin' for a man I can call my own
Been married many times but they left my home
Ah, big feelin' blues, worst I ever had <
Black Cat, Hoot Owl Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Black cat on my door-step, black cat on my window-sill
If one black cat don't cross me, another black cat will
Last night a hoot owl come and sit right over my door
A feelin' seems to tell me I'll never see my man no mo'
I feel my left side a-jumpin', my heart a-bumpin', I'm
Black Eye Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Down in hogan's alley lived miss nancy ann,
Always fussin', squabbling with her man;
Then i heard miss nancy say,
"why do you treat your gal that way?"
I went down the alley, other night,
Nancy and her man had just had a fight;
He beat miss nancy 'cross the head,
Blues And Booze
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Went to bed last night, and boy I was in my sleep, sleep
I went to bed last night, and I was in my sleep
Woke up this mornin', the police was shakin' me
I went to the jailhouse, drunk and blues as I could be (2x)
But that cruel old judge sent my man away from me
They carr
Bo-Weavil Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Hey, bo-weavil
, don't sing them blues no more
Hey, hey, bo-weavil, don't sing them blues no more
Bo-weavil's here, bo-weavil's everywhere you'll go
I'm a lone bo-weavil, been out a great long time
I'm a lone bo-weavil, been out a great long time
I'm gonna sing thes
Chain Gang Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The judge found me guilty, the clerk he wrote it down (x 2)
Just a poor gal in trouble, I know I'm county road bound
Many days of sorrow, many nights of woe (x 2)
And a ball and chain everywhere I go
Chains on my feet, padlock on my hand (x 2)
It's all on account of steal
Counting The Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Layin' in bed this mornin' with my face turned to the wall
Layin' in bed this mornin' with my face turned to the wall
Trying to count these blues so I could sing 'em all
Beale Street
set 'em, free
Beale Street
Don't Fish In My Sea
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
My daddy come home this mornin', drunk as he could be
My daddy come home this mornin', drunk as he could be
I know that he's done got bad on me
He used to stay out late, now he don't come home at all
He used to stay out late, now he don't come home at all
I know there's
Jelly Bean Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
If you ever wake up with your good man on your mind
If you ever wake up with your good man on your mind
My daddy left me this morning, that's why I moan and cry
He'll make you laugh, he'll make you cry, he'll drive those blues away
You'll sit right down and weep and moan and
Last Minute Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Minutes seem like hours, hours seem like days
Minutes seem like hours, hours seem like days
It seems like my daddy won't stop his evil ways
Seems like every minute's going to be my last
Seems like every minute's going to be my last
If I can't tell my future I won't tell
Moonshine Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
- Hold him, Luke, he must be a bootlegger
! -
I've been drinking all night, babe, and the night before
But when I get sober I ain't gonna drink no more
'Cause my friend's left me standing in my door
My head goes round and around, babe, since my baby left town
I don'
Prove It On Me
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Went out last night, had a great big fight
Everything seemed to go on wrong
I looked up, to my surprise
The gal I was with was gone
Where she went, I don't know
I mean to follow everywhere she goes
Folks say I'm crooked. I didn't know where she took it
I want the wh
See See Rider
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
See see rider
, see what you have done, Lord, Lord, Lord
Made me love you, now your gal has come
You made me love you, now your gal has come
I'm goin' away, baby, I won't be back till fall, Lord, Lord, Lord
Goin' away, baby, won't be back till fall
If I find me a go
Sissy Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I dreamed last night I was far from harm
Woke up and found my man in a sissy's
"Hello, Central, it's 'bout to run me wild
Can I get that number, or will I have to wait a while?"
Some are young, some are old
My man says sissy's got good jelly roll
My man go
Slave To The Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Ain't robbed no train : ain't done no hanging crime
It's that i'm a slave to the blues : even 'bout that man of mine
Blues do tell me : do i have to die a slave
Do you hear me screaming : you're going to take me to my grave
If i could break these chains : and let my worried h
Southern Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
House catch on fire and ain't no water 'round
If your house catch on fire, ain't no water 'round
Throw your trunk out the window, building, burn on down
I went to that gypsy to have my fortune told
I went to that gypsy to have my fortune told
He said, "Doggone you girlie
Those All Night Long Blues
Artista: Ma Rainey Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I have sent a letter away 'cause my man and I don't agree
There's no reason why he should treat me this way
'Cause the way I worry, I will soon be old and grey
Don't want to do nothing that's wrong
But can't stand this treatment long
I just lay and suffer, crying, sighin