Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Corpsefucking Art
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Corpsefucking Art
Corpsefucking Art

Addicted To Murder
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
[Lyrics & Music - Andrea Cipolla]
At 6:47 p.m. there's the new episode of Addicted To Murder
Brains fly
Skating on red globules
It's a good telefilm
They say Tv is reality
If TV says It then it's true
I'll become a serial killer
I switch on the Tv
All You Need Is Gore
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
[Lyrics & Music - Andrea Cipolla]
All you need is gore
lust for violence.
All you need is gore
my blood is red
like the blood running from you.
All you need is gore
nothing in my brain is as it was before,
I'll cook your flesh.
All you need is g
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Today for dinner beef
But is it really beef?
One product I do want on my table
Mixed fingers, salad and dessert
All in one jar
Blowing out of corpsex
Do you know the product?
It's discounted at supermarket
Corpsex sales
Mixed fingers, salad and d
Corpsex II (The New Menu)
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
[Lyrics & Music - Andrea Cipolla]
Corpsex two
the new menu.
Mixed fingers, salad and dessert
and a new secret ingredient.
Corpsex two
the new menu
just tell me what it tastes like
Corpsex III (The Secret Ingredient)
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
We've now come to the end of the trilogy.
We can now reveals
that the secret ingredient
is just one:
This dessert is so tasty
Raspberry jam
is the secret.
Dawson's Crypt
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
[Lyrics & Music - Andrea Cipolla]
A new TV serial,
four rancid heads will make your afternoon nicer,
a lobotomy you won't escape.
Dawson's Crypt
zombie masses populate the Earth.
Dawson's Crypt
premature decline for your neurons.
A new TV serial,
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
[Lyrics & Music - Andrea Cipolla]
Rabbits are raining in by backyard
but I have a femur collection indoors.
Finding femurs ain't easy
'cause rabbits rarely rain.
Rabbits and femurs get together
but don't ask me why.
There are no dead bodies here
or shitpi
Four On A Meathook
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[Lyrics & Music - Andrea Cipolla]
Feast at abattoir
Cows applaud
We are four on a meathook
Our show ends
Cows shoot us a hook in the head
We are four on a meathook
Opening our stomachs
Our human blood flows
We are four on a meathook
Nothing I s
Gore Mon Amour
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[Lyrics & Music - Andrea Cipolla]
Gore, bloody obsessions.
Gore, primal instinct.
Killing, no longer for survival.
A horror corrupted by welfare society!
Gore, cruel vision.
Gore, psycopathy.
Killing to overwhelm
in the society of power!
Homicidal Chainsaw Butchery
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[Lyrics & Music - Andrea Cipolla]
Chainsaw is on the sofa
Beside the right feet box
I have to remove the shreds of skin
Leatherface would have done it better
But Texas is far
Now I am drinking my coffee on the sofa
but my right foot?
I hacked it by mista
I Cum Glue
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I cum glue
A collage of papier-machine
I cum glue
to stick colored cardboard sheets together.
Children can play with vowels
Teachers with consonants
Mommy with the apostrophe.
I cum glue
An excuse to misspell a song title
I cum glue
Cannibal Corpse wil
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[Lyrics & Music - Andrea Cipolla]
In the Necroromantic's dungeon
there's his display of flesh piles,
experimental compositions of body pieces.
There are strong meathooks for his visionary works,
a gallery of insane genetic crossbreeding,
a gallery underestimated by
Oblivious To Evil
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
[Deicide cover]
[Lyrics by Glen Benton]
Join us
Evil night of an evil death
Epitome of illusion
Sacrifice of the unborn child
Enter the kingdom of darkness
Sodomized for the ritual
For there is nowhere to run
Open the gates to the manifestation
And gra
Once Upon The Motocross
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
It sounds just like that other song...
But wait: it's motocross!!!!!
Make up your own lyrics for this song,
talk to yourselves about anything you want,
after all you won't even read the lyrics on this booklet.
....oh, so you are still reading?!
Once Upon The Motocross,<
Pet(ting) Sematary
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
[Lyrics & Music - Andrea Cipolla]
Human bodies disrupted by undeath,
a purification-gurgling sematary.
Pet(ting) Sematary
plasma orgies.
Pet(ting) Sematary
rectal enjoyment.
Rancid love
among pieces of purulent flesh
barf haemorrhage forever.
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
[Lyrics & Music - Andrea Cipolla]
Metal alloys and flesh in only one body
forged to bring famine and plague.
you're human misery's mistake,
the executioner of a devolved world!
Cannibal technology
fed on the past's infected viscera,
you will take
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
There's a brand new cake on the housewive's table
Don't ask us about its ingredients
Mr. Daisy's grandma always makes some for her grandson
but he's busy portraying his models.
Mr. Daisy will taste this delicacy later
Something is moving
Scooby Doom
Artista: Corpsefucking Art Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
his album will tell us more about our hero.
This one is about Scooby Doom
that's not the famous dog,
it's Mr. Daisy's pet.
It's a dachshund that sleeps all the time waiting for grandma
to leave some cake unattended.
Scooby Dooby Doom
That's the chorus
Sing alo