Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Comus
Tenemos 13 canciones traducidas de Comus

All The Colours Of Darkness
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
An impression of time
Honored moments of mine
Whilst the tide is turning
Before the tune has ended
After the day has died
Turn away if you dare not show your face
Turn silently away
All the colours of darkness are there, are there
(See the fool lead your soul in
Childen Of The Universe
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Watching for a shooting star
To fall down from the sky
They do, they do, you know they do
They do from time to time
Soft, across the universe
Before your very eyes
They do, they do, you know they do
They do from time to time
Wondering of the contouring
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Lust he follows virtue close
Through the steaming woodlands
His darkened blood through bulging veins
Through the steaming woodlands
Aah, aah
Virtue knows he follows softly
Through the steaming woodlands
Travel light the deathly shudder
Down the leafy pathway
Drip Drip
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Hanging, spinning, aftermath
Your soft white flesh turns past me slaked with blood
Your evil eyes more damning than a demon's curse
Your lovely body soon caked with mud
As I carry you to your grave my arms your hearse
You stand before me defenceless
Your stare unchanging
Song To Comus
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Bright the sunlight summer day
Comus wakes he starts to play
Virgin fair smile so sweet
Comus heart begins to beat
Rise up Comus sing your song
Bewitch the maiden the day is long
Cast your spell sweet music crack
Her virtuos shell
Enchanted damsel curios ear
The Bite
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
The rabbit freezes the box in his lair
The owl hoots shrilly searching the dark
The moon white fangs through the trees tall and stark
Who would emerge on a night like this
Who would loose his bonds and greet the air with a hiss
The battered Christian bows his head in despair<
The Herald
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
A soft wetting note issues from the time-worn flute
Frowning slightly the herald listens wistful across the night
And from way back behind the day comes the echoed answer
The day advances oh so softly his shadow lengthens and his voice is mute
But clear his flute and sadly walks
The Lost Quen's Eyes
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
In the lost queen's eyes
Where piety's gone fetid
Long has she waited
Ornery by her worn-out sighs
For the king to return from the war
In glory after fall
Returning from the war
Gone the days his battle transcribed
He would return with honor to his life
The Prisoner
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I was mad and was accepted for treatment at a hospital for the mentally sick
I was wild and introvert wandering alone in the night
I would scream and rage should someone disturb my peace
So they took me away and they put me here alone in my silent privacy
Then they gave me shock
To Keep From Crying
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
Hold me naked, in the dancing fire light
Close and sacred
Warm against your skin, so white
To keep from crying
In the coldness of the night
I keep on trying to surrender
Hold me tight
Soothe my sorrows
Numb my aching head tonight
The morning follows, set on
Touch Down
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Dusty the track the we drove
Misty the hills that we rode
Now she has fun, and I'm singing this song
Maybe I'll be alright in the morning
Morning, it came
And the Sun played dawn games
On the mountains that melt
To the sea they are milking my mind
My illusions
Winter Is a Coloured Bird
Artista: Comus Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Winter is a coloured bird
Fleeting silent through the sweet pure air
Chills the night but holds the word
Decreased by wind are secrets to the land
Which sleeps
The cold wind rushes
The ash will smear along
With mysteries, messages
And I know it's a hollow