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Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Chthonic

Tenemos 22 canciones traducidas de chthonic


49 Theurgy Chains

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

He made it through the festering iceberg
Now he shakes for something else
Unrelieved burden, unrelieved anger, unrelieved hermetic theurgy chains
Unrelieved trauma, unrelieved terror, unrelieved hermetic theurgy chains

He broke right through the courts of hell to erase the name

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49 Theurgy Chains

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porAlejandra Mida | Publicado 15 years ago

He made it through the Festering Iceberg Now he shakes for something else Unrelieved burden, unrelieved anger, unrelieved hermetic theurgy chains Unrelieved trauma, unrelieved terror, unrelieved herme

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A Crimson Sky's Command

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago

From all sides bring the attack
Cut down shadows, don't turn back (Attack!)
From the land and from the sky
Their funeral hymn our death cry (Death cry!)

Dark king of prey
Black crow's eyes sway

Prophet's trigrams will send us on our way
Hear the kuà-siōng say

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Across The Sea

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

走过身边无数个死难zǒuguò shēnbiān wúshù gè sǐnàn
踩着头颅继续拥抱黑暗cǎizhe tóulú jìxù yǒngbào hēi'àn

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Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

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Banished into Death

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

(Chinese part)

Clans destroyed, and broken,
Motherland ravaged
Survivors hunted to the last
Painful history recast

Exiled misery

(Chinese part)

War-lust unquenced, spew forth much ire
Victorious army gloats and plunders
Tragic history recurs


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Bloody Cloud

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago

穿出雲宵再狠狠地  刺入地窖
封塵億萬  解不開的巨鍊  頓失無蹤

氣勢磅  充滿冤仇
無視敵軍蜂擁  殺入蒼


風  狂風暴雨耗弱筋脾
雲  烏雲雷電嚇阻魂魄
炎  怒炎炙火焰其軀殼
山  崩山裂岩重擊骨肉
海  濤海駭浪將吞噬  淹沒

皮肉開綻  骨血欲流
但血已流乾  待又如何

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Bloody Gaya Fulfilled

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago

Festive day, celebrated by high-ranks
Unaware of danger approaching
Autumn winds starts
Icy omen

Seediq wrath gros, unjust oppression
Clan brothers meet, plotting rebellion
Colony flag flies
Mocking beacon

Sons of the Rmdax tasing
Silenced voices, inner cl

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Bloody Waves Of Sorrow

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago

Waxing, waning
The moons transform with the greatest of ease
Now there is nothing left but misery
They sealed their destiny

Demon Bulls, Toxic Hornets
Hungry Wolves and Filthy Rats
Hell's creatures thronged to Hong-do
They joined the final combat

Break out, ma

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Blooming Blades

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago

Bloody Mirror of Retribution, evil spirits bound, countless souls in the underworld there's no way out. They trade their sins for the frigid wind and a carving sound

Blaes call for native enmity
Burning Liberty refined
Blades call for native enmity
Builiding ethnic soul with pr

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Breath Of Ocean

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago

陰鬱夜暗 徘徊淒冷海岸

" 看無我族ㄟ將來 "

" 等待時機不甘回首 "

" 茫茫大海波浪澎湃
全為今日祖孫熟識 "

" 我族子孫汝不通忘記
我們今日ㄟ夢中見面 "

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Broken Jade

Artista: Chthonic Traducción pordani | Publicado 15 years ago

Steel, ocean winds Fly to their kin Smoke clouds the sky Burns my black eyes They come for me driven by unseen force Through the thick smoke on a fateful course Unseen am i, unmatched is

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Broken Jade

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago

Steel, ocean winds
Fly to their kin
Smoke clouds the sky
Burns my black eyes

They come for me driven by unseen force
Through the thick smoke on a fateful course
Unseen am i, unmatched is my iron will
The smoke of gunfire growing even thicker still

They come fo

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Carved in Bloodstone

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago

Carve our dreams in sanguine tones
Strength corporeal and of mind
Walls of our flesh, bricks of our bones
Deadly intent to defend our kind

Eyes casting skyward, warriors of righteousness
Commandments sacred, guiding our consciousness

Sorrow of the ages, banners rise t

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Deep Rising

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

世茫茫 荒山遍野將生將死無所在 北雁南渡為尋樂園
亂世夢中人隨沙岸去不還 別鄉力尋雲清水澹
風雨人生淒寒步伐日蹣跚 落葉他鄉

奉天命  渡海亡命生根落葉他鄉樹 天涯海角為尋生機
泛泛荒野盡闢懇稻水田漠 萬物生長滋潤生命
南草碧絲東桑綠枝競湠根 雲霽日出

山動河盪 日暮枯木 亂世殘月 萬理紊亂
瑩翠島嶼 夏木彩陽 紊華平世 深層絲情
別時茫茫 江暮斜陽 行路南  長風破浪
汗滴天涯 淚流海角 眾歸心  島嶼樂章
山動河盪 日暮枯木 亂世殘月 萬理紊亂
瑩翠島嶼 夏木彩陽 紊華平世 深層絲情

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Drawing Omnipotence Nigh

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago

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Drift Out To Mystery

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago

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Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago

霧 漫群峰訴虹橋夢

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Exultant Suicide

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago

Poso Kofuni's woods witness
Countless ca'davers in tragic WuShe autumn
Toppling in-to River Acheron
Float away from rived memories
Death comes! Battle rages on
No doubts in warriors' heart
The end immaterial, All
hearts set on honor once more
Poso Kofuni's woods b

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Flames upon the Weeping Winds

Artista: Chthonic Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago

Anger boils inside
Summoning the tide

Sparks are flying, the winds are crying, the waves
Crash on the shore
Vortex swirling, winged beasts slain
Crush Heaven's core

Thunder roar
Be reborn
Gold lights soar
Total war
shēn bāo qián kūn gū
yāo chān hùn

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