Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Candice Jarrett
Tenemos 12 canciones traducidas de Candice Jarrett
Candice Jarrett

19 (Stay With Me)
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Still waters running deep
Deep water running still
But wait until you
Resonate with me
Penetrate through me
Stay with me
Please don't leave
Take it easy
Just stay with me
I've waited all my life
Just for this night
Just lay still
Odd days o
20 Odd Years
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I ask for an abundance of things
But I always seem to get
Skipped over
I didn't surround myself with
Things that made me happy
They just didn't make me sad
I looked around
To see the things
In my life
I was in love
With so many of them
You see
Broken Promises
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I break my promises
And I just broke one to you
I promised you I'd try harder
And I guess
I've messed this one up too
Now, I'm begging you
For another chance
No, you shouldn't give it to me
But I swear to heaven this time
I'll get things right
But you
Changing My Mind
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I look at men's
Fitness magazines
And I see
All the girls
Who line the pages
You see
There are
So many songs about
(Songs about)
How you
Should love youself
(Love youself)
Sung by a girl
Who weighs 95 pounds
And I've made up my mi
Danny Boy
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
They said nice things
About you in the paper today
But that doesn't take away
The look on your wife's face
Oh, Danny Boy, oh, Danny Boy
A thousand pipes
Are calling you
Home, home, home
Fallen heroes
Are only rising angels
But I prayed
We'd nev
Feelin OK
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
What more could I do
Without you, Babe?
Running 30 feet down
To your bedroom window
I see you coughing
I ask "are you ok?"
But you close your eyes
And I say
"Excuse me darlin
Are you feelin' ok?"
I ran all the way out here
In the cold and rain
In The Middle
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Well, I woke up tonight
Just in the middle
Of a great dream
And I wished
I could keep on and
Get back to sleep
What I mean is
I had a great dream
Sometimes I feel
Just like Peter Pan
Trapped somehow
On a tiny island
With only
Real Dream
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
They say
"Grow up get a real dream", so
Odd days, the week even so
Can't hear myself think
If I can't speak up
Lying here
All alone is just my luck
But if you can runaway, runaway
You can runaway, just my way
You can runaway
A better place, so
Safe Keeping
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Take a little piece of my life
For safe keeping
Steal away just one laugh
For when i'm weeping
'cause i'm afraid
Change is gonna come my way
And i'm afraid rain
Is gonna ruin my days
Remember times
We were so much younger
Back in those green days
Signs Of Aging
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
If you carry
Your childhood with you
You never grow old
But every wrinkle you erase
Is a story untold
And I can't wait
To grow old
You buy pills and creams
To make you look young
But would you trade
The wrinkles on your face
For your years in t
Sweetest Sin
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Your name with my name has
A lovely ring to it
If you could only see it
The suffering it brings for me
To see you with her
No other thing is worse
I've found a piece of me
I love you so much
I just can't believe
All the time
I've spent he
Take These Chances
Artista: Candice Jarrett Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Honest to God
Gorgeous songs
About the way I'm afraid
Life's a brief candle
Don't blow it
Don't blow it out
Life's a walking shadow
Don't follow me around now
Capricorn birthday
Though I know
You've never seen my face
I'll take my place