Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Cancer
Tenemos 22 canciones traducidas de cancer
Back From The Dead
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Slowly injecting the fluid of pain
Bringing the corpse back to life
Nerves now awake violently
The serum now has worked
Inject to the brain, going insane
Body pulsatin, back from the dead
Death's awakening, stage by stage
Including the pain, back from the dead
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Below the surface
It lies in wait
Close proximity killer
Seeks your fate
Sheering teeth, ripping flesh
Blood draining, slow death
Cutting off your balls
Never again will you see
Your testicles are torn free
Forever, they have gone
Unimaginable pain
Black Faith
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
My patience it haas turned to dust
For this injustice you'll regret
Eternally you shall fall down
Captured within an empty plane
With more stealth to gain from time
This anger builds inside my mind
Hope feeds on a power glide
Growing in strength against the tide
Blood Bath
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I am possessed by death, perverted to unbelief
Showing no remorse, killing all th(os)e pigs
Slicing to your throat, hacking at your face
Ungodly thoughts arise, women I despise
Cadavers domain where I once stood
None remain apart from the blood
Visions of their deaths
Body Count
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
He stalks the night for his prey
He'll maim and kill while you pray
Legacy of his tragedy
Born to kill for his mother's sins
Twisted mind living to kill
Now you'll die, blood will spill
Another victim hacked to death
No warning when he'll strike
Legacy of hi
Burning Casket
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Let me out here, burning int his hell
My cascet breathes a stench of burning flesh
Incinerating pain, left to scorching domain
My body is too far gone, to the hell of where it belongs
My testimony ashes of my death
The terror that locks me in
My testimony to be burned ali
C.F.C.(Cancer Fucking Cancer)
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Gather round all to see, reborn misery
Doctors stand in my way, my path to death
Ready to die, take your last breath
Rotting corpse, cancer fucking cancer
Cancered guts spilled out (with) therapy
Chemical injections, lab poisons, infections
Ready to die, take your l
Cloak Of Darkness
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I wait for darkness to arrive, I dream of pain
I cherish thoughts, seduction that awaits
My name is God, immortal dog
My life is blood, death is love
Bring forth a plague, mace of sins
As I unleash the horrors within
My faith is pure, some think not
I have the taste
Corpse Fire
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Screams of pain, haunt the night
Cadavers burning, oh so bright
left to die, horrible death
Now awaiting, hell's breath
Heaps of bodies
Pilled ten high
Sixteen more wait to die
Human flesh burning meat
Corpse fire, at our feet
Burning stench, of ski
Crimes So Vile
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Decades of abuse, lives wrecked forever
Revealing the truth, a noble endeavour
Establishment shield, hidden from view
Some will speak out
But what can they do?
With crimes so vile
And a missing child
Truth in denial
Raped and defiled
With crimes so vile
Death Shall Rise
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Maggots eating rotten flesh
Chomping through a fucking mess
Eyes white and glazed
Bodies rise from their graves
Skin falling to the ground
In a decomposing mound
Their organs building up with pus
They're decaying in front of us
Zombies from the grave
Dethroned Emperor (Celtic Frost cover)
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
See the portal, gate to madness
Locked forever in a veil of shame
Deny extraction - Thirst for disgrace
Watch his break - The emperor's killed
Light of the day - Shadows from beyond
Scaffold of steel - The throne has gone
Dethroned emperor
The foot of the stairs
Devil's Playground
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
My minds burning to a dance insane bring it all down in the devil's playground
They live on fear on a road to nowhere, determind to
Kill far out flashback keeps there circle of fresh blood spilled
Murder haunts this world!
Has no end!
Mad tale chasing cauti
Die Die
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Running through the night, your screams are my delight
Torture is my game, fucking you insane
Warped is my brain, people I do maim
Breaking bones for fun, see the bleeding run
Stabbing, I mutilate, die die
Bodies filled with hate
Ripping out your soul, die die
Die Die
Artista: Cancer Traducción porHÃ&A | Publicado 15 years ago
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
He explores his own darkness
Where very few men dare to go
He is death with a hidden passion
To satisfy his lustful woes
Waste pipe blocked with human flesh
Plumbers vomit, disturbing stench
Plastic bags in the wardrobe shows
Chopped up boyfriends rotting slow
Down The Steps
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Dark spirit takes control
Demon sweat freezing cold
Possessed of the evil craft
Mother weeps Pazuzu laughs
Pushed or fell
He took a tumble
Down to the bottom
Of the hard stone steps
This crisis heightens fast
At the bottom of the steps
Where poor Burke
Electro - Convulsive Therapy
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Arguments, conflicting views inside his mind
Simplified, electro-convulsive therapy
Infertile, controlling drugs like Melleril
No trust, humanity's been misunderstood
What it wrong? What is right?
War inside his mind
Losing sense of reality
Truth is hard to find
Artista: Cancer Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Steel grip cable tie
Old habits hardly die
Around the neck
Nice and quick
With back turned
A dirty trick
One strong pull is all it takes
The victim then asphyxiates
One sharp pull is all it needs
To stop this fucker trying to breathe
One stro