Letras de Canciones Traducidas de A Bit Of Goldmood
Tenemos 19 canciones traducidas de A Bit Of Goldmood
A Bit Of Goldmood

A Model For The Laureate
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
On thrones from China to Peru
All sorts of kings have sat
That men and women of all sorts
proclaimed both good and great;
And what's the odds if such as these
For reason of the State
Should keep their lovers waiting,
Keep their lovers waiting?
Some boast of begg
A model for the Laurete
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Uma modelo para Laurete
Em tronos da China até o Peru
Todos os tipos de reis se sentaram
Aqueles homens e mulheres de todos os tipos
Proclamados ambos bons e grandes;
E o que é as chances se como estes
Por motivo do Estado
Devia manter suas amantes esperando,
A Prayer On Going Into My House
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
A Prayer On Going Into My House
GOD grant a blessing on this tower and cottage
And on my heirs, if all remain unspoiled,
No table or chair or stool not simple enough
For shepherd lads in Galilee; and grant
That I myself for portions of the year
May handle nothing and set
A Song For Douglas (after He's Dead)
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
He crouches on the floor
There's a mask on the wall
And he leafs through the pages of a book
But wait as he may in the shadow of other leaves
His heart in embraces to times long since scorched
The horizon folds over with a purple sunrise
And the wind carries smoke from
At The Blue Gates Of Death
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Before and beyond
The blue gates of death
Oh only two birds
They soar through the sky
Take two blackbirds
Crossformed on poppy fields
And sprung in the springtime
Of Europe's fertile years
When the rain was immaculate
not redrose invisible
And where in t
Come Gather Round Me, Parnellites
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
COME gather round me, Parnellites,
And praise our chosen man;
Stand upright on your legs awhile,
Stand upright while you can,
For soon we lie where he is laid,
And he is underground;
Come fill up all those glasses
And pass the bottle round.
And here's a cogent r
Drip, Drip
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Drip, drip, drip, plunk, plish, plosh, pop, gurgle,
burble, babble, whoosh, hiss, roarÂ…
What is water without sound?
The beauty, artistry and importance of water doesn't merely captivate the eye. It also enchants the ear, and a growing number of people are listening.
Feng Shui
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Helen Pietrusiewicz, a scholar at the Monterey Park-based American Feng Shui Institute, notes that along with fire, earth, metal and wood, water is one of the five elements of classical feng shui.
This is one case where the sound-masking qualities of water fountains might be counterproduct
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
She's pouring brown gold
Into her veins
She lost her own way
Years ago
Her sister calls her
From the dark side of the night
And she falls with that call
It's the only way out
She tells me "I love you"
But it's only a game
And she slides through the silence
Ich Bin Verliebt!
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Vor ein paar Jahr`n war ich total verknallt in eine kleine Metzgerin.
Ich schaute ihr gern in dne Ausschnitt rein,
obwohl ich Vegetarier bin.
Jeden Tag kaufte ich bei ihr ein,
Koteletts und Leberwurst im Schweinedarm.
Den ganzen Mist den hab ich dann verschenkt,an die Hunde d
Lapis Lazuli
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I HAVE heard that hysterical women say
They are sick of the palette and fiddle-bow.
Of poets that are always gay,
For everybody knows or else should know
That if nothing drastic is done
Aeroplane and Zeppelin will come out.
Pitch like King Billy bomb-balls in
Until th
Men Improve With The Years
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I AM worn out with dreams;
A weather-worn, marble triton
Among the streams;
And all day long I look
Upon this lady's beauty
As though I had found in a book
A pictured beauty,
pleased to have filled the eyes
Or the discerning ears,
Delighted to be but wise,
Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
These are my hands
And there are my eyes
Clad in high high hills
The leper lord
Clad in bloody robes
Jesus wept
Jesus wept
Hear me when I call
On the threshing floor
Jesus wept
On the threshing floor
My loves
The Spirit Medium
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I FASTED for some forty days on bread and buttermilk,
For passing round the bottle with girls in rags or silk,
In country shawl or Paris cloak, had put my wits astray,
And what's the good of women, for all that they can say
Is fol de rol de rolly O.
Round Lough Derg's holy
The Wild Swans At Coole
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
THE trees are in their autumn beauty,
The woodland paths are dry,
Under the October twilight the water
Mirrors a still sky;
Upon the brimming water among the stones
Are nine-and-fifty Swans.
The nineteenth autumn has come upon me
Since I first made my count;
I s
Those Images
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
WHAT if I bade you leave
The cavern of the mind?
There's better exercise
In the sunlight and wind.
I never bade you go
To Moscow or to Rome.
Renounce that drudgery,
Call the Muses home.
Seek those images
That constitute the wild,
The lion and the virgin,
To His Coy Mistress
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
She bought the eggplant because her lover
had said he was leaving, and she'd read
somewhere it was an aphrodisiac,
and she was willing to try anything,
even magic, even vegetables.
She could have bought the eggplant at the grocery store,
but because this was work that m
When The May Rain Comes
Artista: A Bit Of Goldmood Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Green are the streets
The asphalt is glistening
When the dust of the day
Shall be washed away
The windows are closed
And the rain is dripping
From sill to sill
And down to the ground
When the May rain comes
Very young are the leaves
Of the trees and th