Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Corb Lund
Tenemos 20 canciones traducidas de Corb Lund
Corb Lund

(Gonna) Shine Up My Boots
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I'm gonna shine up my boots
I'm gonna go into town
I'm gonna scrape up twenty dollars
I'm gonna throw it around
I'm gonna buy me a dance
First lovely lady that I see
And when our dance is through
I'll say: Will you marry me?
I'm gonna find me a game
Of hol
A Leader On Losing Control
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I tried my best to stop them, yes, I tried to make them wait
And I appealed to their decency show mercy on this day
I issued them strong orders on pain of death and disarray
But in the end they would not listen and raised their lances anyway
Men of no account they were, their b
All I Wanna Do Is Play Cards
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
Well, I guess I really oughta be makin' up songs but
All I wanna do is play cards
I know it's dumb and sick and wrong but
All I wanna do is play cards
Got the studio booked in Tennessee
And my record producer's callin' me
The tape will roll in just three weeks and
Always Keep An Edge On Your Knife
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
never put your hat on the bed, son, never put your hat on the bed
cuz if your hat's on the bed you might wake up dead
so don't ya never put ya hat on the bed
and if you do be sure it's upside down, son, if you do be sure it's upside down
cuz if there's any doubt, it keeps the luc
Apocaplyptic Modified Blues
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Gather round me all you sinners, all you gamblers and card sharps
You drinkers and abusers, all you fighters at your hearts
You might pay heed...
Cuz ain't nothin' ever walked the earth like this before
Have you made your peace with Odin and with Baal and Aphrodite
Cuz ther
Big Butch Bass Bull Fiddle
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
i been playin root-five for most of the night
and most of the times, well, i don't really mind
but once in awhile i get the chance to shine
and look out, baby, when the stage is mine
the good lord knows i do the best i can
on the big, bitch, butch, bull fiddle baby here
Brother Brigham, Brother Young
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I have sinned so gravely Brother Brigham, Brother Young
I have sinned so gravely Brother Young
That only you can save me Brother Brigham, Brother Young
That only you can save me Brother Young
I have revealed the temples secrets Brother Brigham, Brother Young
The temple garm
Buckin' Horse Rider
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
He's been hung up and stepped on and out-drawed and reduced to tears
He's done his best thinkin' with his hand in the riggin' for years
He's got an old trophy saddle he won back in '75
He's gettin' too old to travel, he's lucky he's even alive
Well he's a buckin' horse rider an
Counterfeiters' Blues
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
he said drink deeply of the wine, my friend, breathe fully in the smoke
and eat the fish that he conjured, this is the bread that jesus broke
this is grape juice and cheap vodka, man, this isn't even wine
i'm smokin shredded cardboard, eating sawdust baked with lime
this is n
Cows Around
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Well everything is better with some cows around
Livin' in town sometimes brings me down
Let me bestow this western blessing share what I have found
May you always have cows around
What else you gonna spend that extra money on
What else is gonna get you up hours before dawn
Daughter, Don't You Marry No Guitar Picker
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Who should I marry, Daddy who should I marry?
Daughter, don't you marry no soldier sailor
Daughter, don't you marry no young crusader
Daughter, don't you marry no guitar picker
Cuz they ain't no good and they ain't gonna stick around
Daughter, don't you marry no degenerat
Expectation And The Blues
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Well you know I over-intellectualize
When really what I'm feelin's a lot of shit inside
But Jesus it's hard to self-actualize
When you can't stop thinkin' about going home
You can't really ever go home like they say
And if you do it's all messed up anyway
And besides the
Family Reunion
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Family reunion, she's gonna be a good one
So lemme bend your ear, the clan's all here for the family reunion
Well my cowboy uncles sing cowboy songs
And they get drunk and the words get wrong
My Blackfoot cousins say they're comin' this year
Well I hope they do and I hope t
Five Dollar Bill
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I wrote my new song on a five dollar bill
But I won't be able to sing it until
I get hot on the trail for to pick up the track
Of the dirty little thief and get my five bucks back
I first got the five dollars from a Montana man
When he come across the line with
Good Copenhagen
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
well i partied with some crazy calgary cowgirls
we ripped and snorted, kicked our heels and then
two told me they got olde tyme religion
one says she'll never barrel race again
good copenhagen is better than bad cocaine
i spent some time with texas dave mcdaniel
Guitar From The Wall
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Pull down that old guitar from the wall and come and sing
You can help me with the verses and the half forgotten things
My mind ain't what she used to be now, a lot of it is gone
But I still know the good parts, at least enough to sing along
So pull down that old gu
Hair In My Eyes Like A Highland Steer
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
full growed porcupine dead on the road
it'll take a big ox, son, to carry that load
i got checked out by a blonde, young heifer
she says she might wanna but i ain't gonna let er
hair in my eyes like a highland steer
spring in my step like a white tailed deer
hitch in my
Hard On Equipment / Tool For The Job
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
He's been roundin' off bolts since the age of fourteen
Was that a five eighths or a nine sixteenths?
He's got a metric socket that don't quite fit
Well it'll wiggle just a little but it ain't quite stripped
The safety guard's gone from his grinding machine
He got a stiff pain
Heavy And Leaving
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
The days are piling up and I don't know that I can take it
And freedom by design is so far gone I'll never make
And everything's so heavy that I think I want to leave it
And it's weight that I don't need I think it's time that I relieved it
Heavy and I'm leavin', he
Horse Soldier, Horse Soldier
Artista: Corb Lund Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman
Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo
I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run
I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through
I'm a horse soldier, eternal, through and through
I's with Custer and the 7th in '76 or '77