Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Conorach
Tenemos 12 canciones traducidas de Conorach

A New Day Rising
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I've left my home since time long gone,
The way for me was not yet known.
My destiny seemed dark and grim,
A life with failure and disgrace.
But amidst the forest's oldest trees,
I stumbled 'pon a sight of me,
Falling oft, not giving in,
My lot was suddenly revealed
Awaiting the End
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
I see the sun up in the sky,
From where I lie, waiting to die.
I never thought my end would come,
This bright and sunlit day.
But sorrow will not haunt my mind,
Through my life the years were kind.
And pain there was, but never long,
for the life I lived was full.</
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
Marcheren door de wouden, door moerassen en de heide.
Ongezien, maak geen geluid, we sluipen door het bos.
We naderen de vijand. Onze speren, onze bijlen,
getrokken in de aanslag voor de kom'de bitt're strijd.
De vijand heeft ons opgewacht, we staan nu oog in oog met hen.
Prodigy of the Sea
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Risen from the marshlands,
A lone soul, stout and brave.
Desiring to be nowhere else,
And no one's slave.
His fate is predestined,
Guided by divine hand,
He's to grow to greatness,
Twixt sea and land.
Lo there! See the lion awake!
Brave and fear
Riders from the West - With Fire and Iron
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Distant figures upon a hill,
Banners piercing the evening sky.
Swords and lances drawn for the kill,
This time we knew we were going to die!
Brave riders from the west,
Take me on thy sacred quest.
In the fire forge your plight,
and with fire and iron we
Seven Souls War
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
The silence has been broken
Upon the break of day
There's nothing in the old books
To take their strength away
The martyrs and the sinners
Of man and beast divine
Answering their long awaited sign
They came across the mountains
They came across the sea
Spanish Ladies
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Farewell and adieu unto you Spanish ladies,
Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain;
For it's we've received orders for to sail for old England,
But we hope very soon we shall see you again.
Then we hove our ship to the wind at sou'-west, me boys,
We hove o
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
Verse 1
Ships of the Danish come close to our vessel,
Pillaging will be the course of the day.
Bringing home produce of great variation
Stocking the markets of Sweden today.
Baskets of treasure and barrels of mead,
The traders can't keep for a piece of the lives.
The Fortress at Dawn
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The Devil may take who hides atop their walls,
Tomorrow we'll see them all dead.
We bastard sons will slit their throats,
And paint their hideouts red.
Tomorrow, we move 'cross the brink,
But today we feast and cheer,
'Til the time of war we'll drink,
The Hunt
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Through the darkness of the night,
We gather where no trees stand.
Where the moonlight reaches down,
with all it's pale white light.
Howling that cuts through the silence,
and yellow eyes through the mist.
Fading shadows, Ivory gleaming,
The raiding has begun.
The Oaken Shield
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Ship 'ho on the horizon, men.
We must beat to quarters!
Stow your mops and prime the guns,
Hear, these are your orders.
Strike the mainsails, fill the nettings,
Get before the merchants!
Turn to port, my valiant men,
Let her have our broadside!
Voice Of Despair
Artista: Conorach Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
I am death, I make you cold.
I am sorrow, I make you old.
I am here to make you see,
that only death brings sanctuary.
So come with me now and take my hand,
and we shall leave this blackened land.
Follow me to your salvation,
there's an end to your great desperation