Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Conchita Wurst
Tenemos 21 canciones traducidas de conchita wurst
Conchita Wurst
All By Myself
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
Living alone
I think of all the friends I've known
But when I dial the telephone
Nobody's home
All by myself
Don't want to be all by myself anymore
Hard to be
All I Wanna Do
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You ain't talking to me
Been talking to people
I'm not talking to you
We muted the sequel
'Cause you and I
We both know why
Been way too high
But nothing really matters now
Too numb to cry
Too far to try
So I
All I wanna do is dancing tonight
Any Day From Now On
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Like a fire in the night
I will rise one more time
Let me take your hand
It's alright, you will see
Like a phoenix in flight (mmm)
We'll be savage and wild
And I know now how beautiful we can be
We can be
Any day from now on
Is the day I belong
To you<
Blue Bloom
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
Only the beauty should remain
That's what I wish for
I wish that your smile stays the same
Although she's no more
I'll send you the silence that you need
To hear her laughter
The most beautiful echo on repeat
Throughout the hereafter
Pick the flower, hold it up<
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I drink a cup of purity to celebrate the times
Dream away reality no borders on my mind
Sickening beauty
Is all that you see
Glossy glow seductive
Drag the shine
Pull the train
Get dirt to flirt
Turn me off
Turn me on
Disgustingly delicio
Can't Come Back
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I don’t know if
All of me is on the same side
But it seems to be gone too far
I hold my breath I pause
I rethink and dive into
These eyes of yours somehow
I let my guards down
When with you
It seems you can call it
And I do
All of me is yours
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Mirror, mirror on the table
See my hazy eyes
Hot as ice, cold as fire
Tick-tock shot o'clock
Tick-tock tick tock
Let go, let's go
And then all of a sudden I feel the need to drive
I get into the car
Me, myself, and high
Fix the lips, I pull the trigger
Colors Of The Wind
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
You think you own whatever land you land on
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has a name
You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk
Colours Of Your Love
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I built a castle 'round my heart
I wear my courage like a mask
From the blackout to the blue sky
I see reflections in your eyes
In the colours of your love
The colours of your love
And my heart is like a battlefield
You made me surrender
And you light me up like
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Love is like a potion
It's a chemical
So lead me to the water
Like an animal
But you
You could never hold me
I could never hold you down
And I can't get enough
My heart is a firestorm
And all that I needed was your flame
And now that you've gone out of
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Here we are in the darkened room
It’s cold down here in your truth
You look at me with a frozen heart
You’re out for blood
But you and me will never be the same
You and me we are far too gone to safe
Beam me to the light
Beam me to the sky
I’m destined to be s
Für Mich Soll's Rote Rosen Regnen
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Mit sechzehn, sagte ich still
Ich will
Will groß sein, will siegen
Will froh sein, nie lügen
Mit sechzehn, sagte ich still
Ich will
Will alles, oder nichts
Für mich soll's rote Rosen regnen
Mir sollten sämtliche Wunder begegnen
Die Welt sollte sich umgestalt
Get Here
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You can reach me by railway, you can reach me by trailway
You can reach me on an airplane, you can reach me with your mind
You can reach me by caravan, cross the desert like an Arab man
I don't care how you get here, just get here if you can
You can reach me by sailboat, climb
Have I Ever Been In Love
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
One more drink I fall deeper in love
You're so hard to give up
Just one more sip from the bottle
Light a cigarette lifting me high
I can see in your eyes
That I'm playing with fueling the fire
Tell me now have I ever been in love
Have I ever been in love
Is this j
Heast As Net (feat. Ina Regen)
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
Heast as nit
Wia die Zeit vergeht
Huidiei jodleiri Huidiridi
Gestern nu'
Ham d'Leut ganz anders g'redt
Huidiei jodleiridlduueiouri
Die jungen sind alt word'n
Und die alten habn sturb'n
Hidiei jodleiri huidiridi
Und gester is'heit word'n
Und heit is'b
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I dreamt I was a queen in a crimson robe
A lion with a crown of dust and gold
Someone shot you down and your blood went cold
Baby can you wake up
Baby can you wake up, again
So don't let go
We can be so beautiful
Listening to the sound
Of silence
So let th
Hit Me
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
Hit me with the bullets you make up in your head
Hit me with the pain that you came to get
Hit me with your threats that were left unsaid
Hit me with your bull and don't dare to pull back
Hit me with the blame you made up in your head
Hit me with regret
I am me, you are
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm only human
I'm only, I'm only
I'm only human, human
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this
And see what's behind
Got no way to prove it
So maybe I'm lying
But I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
You and me we lay
Eyes on each other
And came to play
Wait I’m turning away
And not obey
Like you want me to
Want me to, okay?
See I see you sway
Like I want you to
And falling prey to my new rules
I let you dance to my tune
To my tune
And you do
Rise Like a Phoenix
Artista: Conchita Wurst Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Waking in the rubble
Walking over glass
Neighbours say we’re trouble
Well that time has passed
Fearing from the mirror
No, that isn't me
A stranger getting nearer
Who can this person be?
You wouldn’t know me at all
From the fading light I’ll fly