Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Celeste Buckingham
Tenemos 23 canciones traducidas de celeste buckingham
Celeste Buckingham
Amazing Grace
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now i'm found
Was blind but now i see
't was grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour i first believed
My chains
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
I don`t mean to be mean / i don`t wanna a start i fire
I don`t wanna fight you but aren`t you a liar
I don`t wanna be the man in black no i am not fighter
I don`t wanna be your enemy but i just can`t get higher
And yes i`ll try to use you like your using me
Now that i know
Blue Guitar
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
You still have that blue guitar,
From the day you sang and stole my heart
And hey delilah still runs through my head
And every night i'm told to go to bed
I have my phone and talk to you instead
Still the rings under my eyes are
Rainbow color filled with sunlight
Crushin' My Fairytale
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
The doctor told me that I’m just needy
No, no he can’t help me
Nothing will, until you do
One day you’ll save me
Instead of faking
But for now I’m waiting
Until I’m good enough for you
But I’m not a queen and this ain’t my castle
I can’t believe that you’re turn
Don't Look Back
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
The days are numbered
And that's too bad
But now i'm sober
And i don't understand
Too much consoling
Is still not enough
And now i'm holding on
To anything i can touch
Don't look back at me
Dont look back
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 15 years ago
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Time's up
Gotta wake up
Gotta grow old
And decide what I want
Get out
Gotta leave now
'Cause I know how, how to get what I want
Come on, come on, come on
You're lookin' so confused
Come on, come on, come on
Something is bothering you
Come on, come on
Heart (feat. Noah Ellenwood)
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Is there somebody out there that makes me feel as cold?
We used to go and run in circles where you would tell me to go
Yeah were you ever sorry, that you made me feel so blue?
No you didnt care you just left me there, alone
Silly girls they are calling, calling out your name
Hello Stranger
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Today is the day
I promised i would pay
My debts and my dues
I have no regrets
But you haven't caught me in no not in bed
But i have no excuse
Except hold me and tell me
That you'll be here to love me
And that somehow you'll miss me
And all of
I Was Wrong
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
[Celeste buckingham]
I don't wake up in the morning
This is way I wish it stayed
But I always end up hoping (hoping)
You'd stay here with me
So I stare into the sunlight
Thinking 'bout the way we were
I try to keep on walking (walking)
But my heart still hurts
I'm Not Sorry
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
So you wanna push me
Take my edges away
And try to make me something different
You think you can mold me
Like I'm made of clay
And erase all my innocence
Don't put me in a box 'cause my soul's all I got
And I ain't getting another one
Oh I may feel a lot
Já a TY (feat. Majk Spirit)
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Ja som sám sebou, ty si autentická,
Ja chcem byť len s tebou aj keď si nelogická,
Ja bývam necitlivý a ty ma učíš prijímať
Navzájom sa dopĺňame neni žiadna kríza,
Pri tebe neviem zívať, pri mne sa stále smeješ
Som tebou posadnutý, ty odolať mi nevieš.
Ja som kosť a sval
Love In Your Soul
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Deeper and deeper we go
Into the hopeful unknown
Into the sea, learnin' to breathe
Deeper and deeper we go
Searchin' the sky for a sign
Lookin' for some kind of lie
Hopin' you'd see, what's underneath
Searchin' your eyes for a sign
You left me home on my own
Loving You
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Your breathing moves like the tide
Your chest rising up next to mine
Your eyes are an ocean of love and devotion
But I'm just too scared to dive
I wonder alone on this beach
Stranded with no way to reach
Your heart is an island surrounded by lightning
But that's whe
Mám Ťa Málo (feat. Martin Harich)
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Máliš sa mi, málim sa ti, málime sa navzájom
Spálila nám diaľka lásku, spálila nám podnájom
Chvíľu láska, chvíľu dotyk, rozlúčka a trápenie
Čakanie mi núka pocit, či ťa ešte mám či nie.
To sa stáva vieš
Ty mi chýbaš tiež
Napriek diaľke neviem posúdiť, či mi rozumieš
Never Be You
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'll never be like you,
You know that I've tried to,
But no one can touch you,
Whatever I do, I'll never be you.
Could wear the right faces,
Be in all the right places,
Saw myself to be famous as you,
Wouldn't do, I'll never be you.
I could be a movie star,
Nobody Knows
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Mama's in a corner crying
Daddy is upset 'cause he´s out of
work again
We don't care, we just keep on
'cause nobody here seems to feel
the need to complain
We're all made of the same material
We're all just variations of the same
But the way we li
Nobody Knows
Artista: Celeste Buckingham Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 15 years ago