Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Canker
Tenemos 17 canciones traducidas de Canker

Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Laws and precepts rule their lives
Out dated customs feed them
Ignorance, blindness, cruelty
Torture unrelenting to iniquity
Anachronistic mentaly, fanatic beliefs
Women slaved, veils on their faces
Enforced silence, submission and hate
Astral Voyage
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Psicology, eternaly, facilities, internaly
Speedity, sensivities, cronology
Virtuality, it´s energy, it´s ecstasy
It´s reality, it´s fantasy
Astral voyage, in a world of lies
Astral voyage, i see the ligths
Is virtual, unnatural, irrational, spiritual
Big Shit
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Stalking your like vermin
Waiting for their chance
Waiting of you to slip up
to trample you down at the kill
Big shit
Until your spirit is empty
Till your mind stops working
To get it into your head
That thinking´s not for you
Big shit
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Your body´s in a state of complete decay
Your mind´s idolizing a new form of pain
Their armies advance through you and you don´t even see
The black hole stats to pierce your dark world of dreams
Your think this way, you can control me
Your strength has drained, your sp
Dark Destiny
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Tortured cruelly by their masters, for them death
Turned away for being different, lives their lies
Sentenced by the racist killers, soundless cries
Thrashed by the executioners, he pays the price
You changed your life, for promises around you
You can see, only deserts
Dream Killer
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Once I tried to do one thing right
Everything else pure speculation
I had decided i was sure
No mistake everything was a accounted for
Dream killer, promises and speculations
Dream killer, if i die i could destroy you
Someone told me i know someone
He will
Evil Attack
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Everybody is on the watch, the enemy´s killer lurking
They have choosen now protest like stupid hipocritical
A new kiler atomic army prepare to evil attack
A new policiaco state, have practics to kill
Represives measures to the stranger
Unconditional pardon for the fas
Exquisites Tenderness
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
So blind you can´t see what´s going on
So cowardly, you´re unable to recognize it
Lisent to them, now they suffer
Ashamed, to cover up this madness
Exquisites tenderness
Pulse of the world in your head
Tied up, cursed of having been born
Infected, by your o
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Sit down please, you are going to feel some different
Relax your mind, a new experience will overwhelm
Sacrifice, you are nothing
Sacrifice, take my hand
Choose your card, the skeleteon and the scythe
Death without sense, the evil will come here
Take the tools
Human Horror
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
In my dreams, I can see human horror, lisent to the cries
In my dreams, i can see destiny, a black hole
Vengance without sense, playin with death
Echoes in my mind, human horror
Crossfire, touches the temples of the accursed
it´s so cold
Blood, staining corpses,
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Death i aclaim you now
The guilty pay with pain
Your blood will stain
The corpses of your kin
The darkness of your soul
Fire, pain, is the truth
Lies, Tortures, in your head
They all want you to die
Beast or human, who can say
The mask, hides his face
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
A shuddering heralds the arrival
Of the ravager and the destroyer
Their looks can kill without pity
They show the way without obstacles
They leave a trail of desolation
Stamping their traces in blood
Their reaping tentacles are spreading to
Tear out the heart
Opus Death
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Black vultures fly over thoughts of the dark sky
Dropping their sharp claws and taking weak betrayer and feelings
Good clothes, good food, don´t rebel before your master
Pray, study and submit tourself don´t try to contradict
Following mafia, captor sect, evil christians, o
Out Of Control
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
In my life i´m ok
In my work i´m in command
God´s my boss i´m his slave
I lose control
Looking for a new victim
Longing to hear her cries Longing to drink her juice
I lose control
Flames of hell in my soul is burning the blood
Rage impotence turbul
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
A new being was born
A new idea is crated
Stupidity has finished
You have to pay come worst
He´s studying a plan
A plan to annihilate
His arms are secret
Nobody knows his power
Out of time, out of place, without sense, physical
I have decided, sho
Artista: Canker Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Torture machin which punishes calm brain without sense
Moving mercylessly and blame the beast
All the power is changing other ideas
Of the people who are looking for peace
Your life, your soul, that will change to emotions
Which you can´t guide in the dark
Take my h