Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Benjamin William Hastings
Tenemos 10 canciones traducidas de Benjamin William Hastings
Benjamin William Hastings

A Father's Blessing
Artista: Benjamin William Hastings Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
Ah, look at you, kid, you're growing up quick
And I can't seem to tell you to slow
There'll soon come a day and it scares me to death
When you tell me you're ready to go
And now you're quick as a whip with your hands on your hips
Only eyes that could rival your mom's
Artista: Benjamin William Hastings Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
Something isn’t adding up
This wild exchange you offer us
I gave my worst, you gave your blood
Seems hard to believe
You’re telling me you chose the cross?
You’re telling me I'm worth that much?
If that’s the measure of your love
How else would I sing but
Dancing With My Shadow
Artista: Benjamin William Hastings Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Oh, don't mind him, he's made of darkness
But I take him everywhere I go
You'd think the light would make him harmless
And yet by light do shadows grow
It's two of me in tension, didn't know I had depression
Till he started writin' songs
And I told him not to draw atten
Eden (Isn't It Like You?)
Artista: Benjamin William Hastings Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Oh Eden's tree
The choice within their hands
As the serpent whispered from beneath
Where Your grace exceeds
The sum of all our lack
For I am Adam, I am Eve
Isn't it just like You
To turn it all around for good
Like only You could
Like only You would
Feels Like a Blessing (feat. JUDAH)
Artista: Benjamin William Hastings Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
I was lost, running from the man I'm meant to be, hmm
Wandered off and woke up in the belly of the beast
I cursed the rain, but only now the flood has done its thing
It feels like a blessing falling on me
I've been low of dancing on the brink of unbelief, hey
I let go, crac
Not Even Once
Artista: Benjamin William Hastings Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
The fact that I'm still standing
Is a tribute to your grace
It's a miracle I made it
It's a legacy of days
Where you made a way
Though there was no way out
But you never failed
So why doubt you now
When I found you faithful
The God who breaks no vow
So Help Me God
Artista: Benjamin William Hastings Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
I'm gonna get through this
Through this
I'm gonna get through this
So help me God
I'm a pilgrim bound for Zion
In the wild pursuit of God
I'm not quite where I could be
But I'm not where I was
Should I fall into the valley
Or scale the ups of life
That's The Thing About Praise (feat. Blessing Offor)
Artista: Benjamin William Hastings Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
When the rain you want
Is a flood instead
And the roses bloom but they're not quite red
When I reach the edge
Of my bravery
I'll still be singing at the banks of an unparted sea
Sometimes the only way through it is a hallelujah
(The only way through it is a halleluj
What a Friend
Artista: Benjamin William Hastings Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
When I look back on my life
It isn’t hard to see
The hand of the divine
Ever guiding me
The brightest days, the darkest nights
And everything between
Lord how good you’ve been
Oh what a friend I’ve found in Jesus
Oh what a hope I have in my Savior’s love
While I'm In The Wind
Artista: Benjamin William Hastings Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
I've got this fear
Inside it's crippling
That you'll think more about
The times we didn't spend
And you might cherish
The photos I'm not in
Or think back to a
Childhood that I missed
You dropped me
Off at LAX
Your mother said
You cried in the car again