Letras de Canciones Traducidas de Behemoth
Tenemos 30 canciones traducidas de behemoth
23 (The Youth Manifesto)
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porAlejandra Mida | Publicado 15 years ago
23 (The Youth Manifesto)
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 10 months ago
23 year ov long journey
Among the living dead
On nonsense nourish'd i
My naked soul and where am i?
In the palace ov underworld
Without enemy nor friend
Pay i for fathers legacy
Half-man, half-beast
And my hanger was never fed
My desires never fu
Alas, Lord Is Upon Me
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
"Let them hate me, so that they will but fear me."
"Those enemies of mine who did not want me
to be king over them-
Bring them here and kill them in front of me"
Jesus, (Luke 19:27)
behold! as Rome burns so do I...
'tis not the last empire to crumble
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
Hail Mary, full ov disgrace
The Lord has fornicated with thee
Cursed art thou among men
And possessed
Cunning as shroud ov Turin
On the autopsy ov God
Damnata Virgo Maria
Credo undone
Bitch ov a sybilline vulva
Usurpress and liar
Centuries wept because
Angelvs XIII
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
Ye prophets ov Eucharist
My praise shall climb to your decline
May rust corrode on Michael's sword
Recession ov the progeny divine
Come forth ye!
Preachers ov imminent death
Let loose the mighty beasts upon
Damnatio Ad Bestiam!
Bring an end t
Arcana Hereticae
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
What fool are ye!
From zenith to nadir
Through externalized purity
Sealed ye gates ov your own paradise
Skakti, kali ma, durga ma
Thou art pure in thy sinistry
For those who cannot see
The uncoditioned one!
Creatrix, matrix, devourer!
Thee wh
At The Left Hand Ov God
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 7 months ago
o, Serpent and Lion!
I invoke Thee!
inside the shrine called life
by the seven wonders
by myriad mortals
that gone
and are to come
outside desert ov restriction
in act ov rebellion
on the sea ov motion
stability ov matter
by serenity, stre
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
O Purple flame!
O whirling wheel ov life!
Appear! Move! Rise!
Come unto me Bartzabel
By the laws divine I quell
Come unto me Bartzabel
By the raging blood cells
Come unto me Bartzabel
By the spear, the sword, the spell
Come unto me Bartzabel
By the word
Black visions of the almighty
Artista: Behemoth Traducción poredwin quevedo | Publicado 15 years ago
Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 5 months ago
I saw the virgin's cunt spawning forth the snake
I witnessed tribes ov judah reduced to ruin
I watched disciples twelve dissolved by flame
Looked down on son ov God snuffed in vain
Blow your trumpets, Gabriel!
As I beheld the bewilderment of Eden
Break the bread
Chant for eschaton 2000
Artista: Behemoth Traducción poredwin quevedo | Publicado 15 years ago
Chant for Ezkaton 2000 e.v
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Fly, fly high my black eagle
Let the golden thread bind our eyes
May our minds and hearts blood unite
On your wings carry me over the abyss
Beyond the reason and across the burning seas
Then with your claw tear the earth! (to the halves)
And usher me into the secrets
Christians To The Lions
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
Behold bastard son
I am the evil one
No glory to be reached
No more thy slavery
The passion i besieged
Spawn terror
Smash thy will
Ye pale dominion fades away my
Will dominates
And watch my star arise
Burning up the earth
Sun - the eye of gods
Conquer All
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 6 months ago
Mightiest Self!
Cast out ov Thy Elysium
With blood ov nazarene
I write the history ov man
2000 years is nothing
Though it has been enough
Come forth victorious
Muting the foul angelic choirs!
None ov thy empty gods, shall ever stand above me
None ov thy wea
Dark triumph
Artista: Behemoth Traducción poredwin quevedo | Publicado 15 years ago
Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado a year ago
Eritis sicut dii
Thus sermonized the serpent ov Eden
Thus struck the breath ov the Earth
And thus flooded the blood ov the soil
Slither into the gaping void!
I worship Thee, O vicious man!
Now mark my words ye mortal race
Feed my wrath with lion's gore
Feed my e
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 4 months ago
"I love you! I love you more than Jesus!" [Lucifer, The Prophecy]
Jam ciemny jest wśród wichrów płomień boży,
Lecący z jękiem w dal -- jak głuchy dzwon północy --
Ja w mrokach gór zapalam czerwień zorzy
Iskrą mych bólów, gwiazdą mej bezmocy.
Ja komet król -- a duch się we
O Father O Satan O Sun
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Shine thru me
Come forth in war
Come forth in peace
Bring down the Sun
Extinguish all the stars
Let me remain
In splendor ov thy light
Bornless one
As darkness bright
Found not in tongues
Found not in light
Bring down the rain
Once Upon a Pale Horse
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 9 months ago
I'll ascend
As the Sun into the night
I'll appear
On a pale horse alight
Skyward, I climb alone
Yet bound forever to this earth
Quench my unholy thirst
To will is to dissent
I'll ascend
As the Sun into the night
I'll appear
On a pale horse alight</
Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer
Artista: Behemoth Traducción porpanzas | Publicado 8 months ago
Voice ov an aeon
Angelus Satani
Ora pro nobis Lucifer
You alone have suffered
The fall and tormet of shame
I'll smite heaven's golden pride
And never pity thee
Immaculate divine
Satan of Elohim
None dare to stand in your way
Thou bow to none
Of Ede